Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hello! And welcome to Random Movie Review!

Why does this exist?


 Good question. Nowadays there are just so many people out there reviewing movies that it makes your head spin. Youtubers, bloggers... they are everywhere. With so many people doing the same thing, why even bother joining in the shouting contest?

Well, I have two passions in life: comic and cinema. As a child, I loved reading comics and creating my own comics. I would get a notebook, attempt to draw square blocks and scribble stuff inside the blocks and called it a comic. I never knew I managed to keep my love for comics as an adult. As a testiment for my passion, I'm currently working on a comic project and I'm hoping to have it ready soon.

As for cinema, it came quite recently, unlike comics. I started to develop an interest in cinema sometimes during my college year. Before I knew it, I became fond of collecting movies and obsessively analyzing them, explaining to myself why this movie is good and that movie isn't. Movies provide me with good mental exercise, at the very least.

So now you have two passions at hand. What happens next? They start to merge with each other. During the process of creating my comic, from planning out to actual writing, I slowly realized that a lot of elements in my comic reflect the influence of movies I watched. Well, you become what you watch, right?

So, now you have the answer to the original question. Why does this blog exist? I create this blog to invite you, my readers, to join in a tour through my movie collection. I want to talk about the movie that I like and dislike, and showcase how those movies influence me. It's basically a personal journey into how movies shape my mind, a mental exercise  that I would like to participate together with you. Hopefully you would share the same enjoyment with me.

Oh okay... so what kind of movies do you review then?  

 My taste is kind of... perculiar (yeah, I have always been the weird kid). I collect movies from the 1930s to the 1990s. I also like movies that deal with dark subjects like crime, murder, shady relationship... So you can expect to see a lot of film-noir and stuff cropping up (yeah, I especially love film noir). No, I don't mean the dark, edgy, violent stuff that people call "noir". I love the classic noir that actually deal with crime and the human mind in a realistic way.

Recently, I also started to have an interest in European arthouse films, also at the same period of time. Now this is when things get interesting. I have said before that there are so many movie reviews out there, but it doesn't mean that every movie is covered. If you are someone who just watched a movie, then go on the internet to look for a review that can explain what was going on in the movie or at least to find like-minded people, then get frustrated because it turns out no one knows about the movie, then you understand what I'm getting at here. Now you have another reason for the existence of this blog: to sastify my frustration of not being able to find a good review online for my movies. Those arthouse films are often so obscure no one talks about it, or no one is able to provide a good analysis. This blog is basically here to fill that void.

My movie collection is not strictly limited to those categories. Sometimes you may see other movies that doesn't fit in my preference. I'm open to a variety of movies, as long as they are original/weird, and most importantly, leave an impression on me personally.

Why does this blog called Random Movie Reviews?

Simple! Because I would select a random movie in my collection to review.

And this is also a reference to the Wheel Decide website. You see, because I have so many movies in my collection that in order not to let certain movies get buried and forgotten, I put the movies' names in Wheel Decide and spin the wheel and wait for the wheel to pick up which movie to watch. It's an odd habit, but hey, did I tell you I have always been a weird kid?

Anything else you would like to say?

Well, I have basically said all what I want to say. Now the only thing I hope for is for you, my readers, to tune in and read my future reviews and hopefully share my enjoyment. To me, writing this blog is a kind of communication. I want to share my thought about movies to the world and hear back from everyone.

Goodbye, and hope to see you soon!

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